2012. gada 6. maijs

Baltijas Jauniešu Festivāls

16.un 17.jūnijā, Rīgā notiks Adventistu Baltijas Jauniešu Festivāls, ko organizē Baltijas Ūnija un Igaunijas, Latvijas un Lietuvas draudžu savienības jauniešu kalpošanas nodaļas! Visi jaunieši aicināti piedalīties! Seko līdzi informācijai jaunatne.adventisti.lv un jauniešu twitter lapā!
Baltic Seventh-day Adventist Youth Festival
A church without youth is a church without future
Youth without church is youth without future
/Acts 2:46-47/

Guest speaker:
GC Youth Director Gilbert Cangy

June 16-17

This weekend will be a good opportunity of getting together of all adventist youth from Baltics (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and meeting in one place (Riga) for worship, fellowship and congregational contemplation on our identity, vision and mission as a church. Besides, this is a historic event since we have General Conference Youth Director Gilbert Cangy, who is visiting us in the Baltic and will be with us during this whole time. So, if you are 16 and over, if you care about youth and their place in our church - come! Further information regarding exact time, place of meeting will be provided later. Make sure you come! So let's come together!


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